SEPC November Meeting
Hot Topics and Pitfalls with Estate Tax Audits
Keith Schiller, Esq. - Schiller Law Group
This program will review recent developments and ongoing problems frequently encountered by compliance professionals with the filing of the federal estate tax return. Regretfully, estate tax returns have historically been the highest source of professional liability claims against the accounting profession. Effective estate tax return preparation requires a team effort.
Our webinar speaker, in addition to replying to your questions, will address:
- Additional planning and compliance risks with family limited partnerships and LLCs.
- Best practice steps in determining adjusted taxable gifts.
- Errors with key elections, including portability returns, QTIP election, GST exemption allocations, and 6166 elections.
- Key practice pointers spotted by the IRS and requested by a group manager to be brought to your attention.
- Estate tax return Impact of reporting transmission expenses on the income tax return… there’s no free lunch.
- Selecting and working with appraisers for the most effective results.
- Protective refund claims and Rev. Proc. 2011-48
- New IRS addresses for transmitting estate tax returns.
Time: 12:00PM
The meeting login will begin at 11:50am, please sign in promptly so you have adequate opportunity to prepare for the meeting at 12:00pm.
Zoom information will be emailed the day before.
- SEPC Members: Free
- Non-Members: $20
For addtional information or questions:
Phone: 916.715.5939
Registration will close on Monday, November 16.