SEPC February Meeting

Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: LIve Meeting
Speaker: Bryce Gill, Economist - First Trust Portfolios

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February Meeting

Economic Outlook for 2021

Bryce Gill, Economist  - First Trust Portfolios

Following the sharpest contraction since the Great Depression, the US economy has continued to recover despite fear and stringent public health measures due to the pandemic. The labor market in particular has outperformed, defying predictions that rising cases would trigger a double-dip recession. Now as vaccines are distributed and the headwinds to economic activity from cold weather begin to dissipate, 2021 looks set for a mini economic boom as the country begins to return to normal. Bryce will explain why an ongoing recovery is likely in the US and why our outlook remains optimistic heading into 2021.


Time: 12:00PM

The meeting login will begin at 11:50am, please sign in promptly so you have adequate opportunity to prepare for the meeting at 12:00pm.

Zoom information will be emailed the day before.


  • SEPC Members: Free
  • Non-Members: $20

For more information:

Contact: Raquel Altavilla
Phone: 916.715.5939

Registration will close on Monday,  February 22.

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